This is a video demo on how to stake your ADA coins from the Yoroi (Chrome browser extension) wallet. At the time of recording this video, this is the only light wallet so far that has the staking functionality.

The only other recommended option for staking Cardano is by using the Daedalus wallet which is the official wallet app from IOHK, the developers of the Cardano blockchain network.

But Daedalus is a full wallet, which means it maintains a full copy of the entire blockchain in your device. This makes Daedalus not a good option for users on devices with limited storage and/or bandwidth. But if you’re using Daedalus, we also have a video guide for that on this page.

Stake pool details

The following are our stake pool details that you’ll be needing if you’d like to stake with us:

Ticker Code


Pool ID
